Business Information:

  1. Business Name:
  2. Business Address:
  3. Phone Number:
  4. Email Address:
  5. Website (if applicable):

Services Offered:

  1. List of Services Provided (e.g., plumbing, electrical, carpentry):
  2. Specializations or Areas of Expertise:
  3. Additional Services (if any):

Service Areas:

  1. Geographic Areas Covered:
  2. Availability (Days and Hours):


  1. Pricing Structure (e.g., hourly rates, flat fees):
  2. Additional Charges for Specialized Services (if applicable):
  3. Payment Methods Accepted:

Insurance and Licensing:

  1. Insurance Coverage Details:
  2. Licenses and Certifications (if required):

Safety Measures:

  1. Safety Protocols for Employees and Clients:
  2. Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):
  3. Emergency Procedures:

Customer Satisfaction:

  1. Quality Assurance Measures:
  2. Feedback Mechanisms (e.g., surveys, reviews):
  3. Resolution Process for Customer Complaints:


  1. Hiring Practices and Criteria:
  2. Training and Development Programs for Employees:
  3. Employee Benefits (if any):

Marketing and Promotion:

  1. Marketing Strategies (e.g., online advertising, word-of-mouth):
  2. Promotional Offers or Discounts:
  3. Customer Referral Program:

Legal Considerations:

  1. Contracts and Agreements with Clients:
  2. Liability Waivers:
  3. Compliance with Local Regulations and Building Codes:

Environmental Responsibility:

  1. Sustainable Practices (e.g., recycling materials, energy-efficient solutions):
  2. Eco-Friendly Products and Materials (if available):

Partnerships and Affiliations:

  1. Affiliations with Industry Associations or Organizations:
  2. Partnerships with Suppliers or Other Businesses:

Client Communication:

  1. Channels of Communication with Clients (e.g., phone, email, website):
  2. Response Time for Inquiries and Service Requests:


I, [Name], hereby certify that the information provided in this Handyman Business Template/Form is accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Signature: __________________________ Date: __________________________