Gun Range Liability Waiver Form

Welcome to **YOUR GUN RANGE NAME**

We prioritize safety and professionalism in all our range activities. Before you can use our facilities, please review and sign our liability waiver and understand our rules and regulations.

Participant Information

  • Name: ____________________________
  • Mobile Phone: ____________________________
  • Email: ____________________________

Firearm Declaration

Please select your firearm source:

  • I will bring my own firearm.
  • I wish to rent a firearm.

Gun Range Safety Rules & Guidelines

General Safety

  • Always treat every firearm as if it were loaded.
  • Firearms must be holstered or cased while going to or from the firing line.
  • Ear and eye protection must be worn at all times.

On the Firing Line

  • Never cross the firing line for any reason unless a Range Officer declares the line safe.
  • Do not handle firearms during a ceasefire.
  • Always keep the muzzle pointed downrange.
  • Ensure firearms are unloaded and actions are open when not in use.

Liability Waiver

By signing this document, I acknowledge that I understand the inherent risks involved with firearm use and activities at **YOUR GUN RANGE NAME**. I agree to release, indemnify, and hold harmless **YOUR GUN RANGE NAME**, its affiliates, employees, and instructors from any and all liabilities, injuries, damages, or losses which might occur during my use of the facility or as a result of the malfunction of any firearm, whether rented from **YOUR GUN RANGE NAME** or otherwise.

Agreement & Acknowledgment

I have read, understood, and accept the above terms, rules, and waiver. I affirm that I am over 18 years of age and legally eligible to operate firearms.

Participant is Age 18.

Name: Mobile Phone: Email:


Signature: ____________________________ Date: __________

*Note: Always consult with a legal professional in your jurisdiction to validate the content and terms of this form for your specific needs and locality.